Channel 4
Protecting reputation through better editorial decisions
A highly successful TV show that proved popular with both White and Black British audiences - The British Tribe Next Door - nevertheless attracted hostile reviews from critics normally seen as allies. Channel 4’s senior leadership team needed to understand why to make some critical decisions.
We simply ran a few smartly-designed focus groups with a carefully selected sample of Channel 4 viewers.
The program’s execution was generally well-liked and deemed thought-provoking. But the premise of the show - which uprooted a British family and relocated it in a traditional Namibian village where they would live side by side with the Himba tribe for an extended period and learn from one another - was seen as deeply flawed. Why portray Africans as living in mud huts? Could the show not locate the British family in a more developed African city?
Channel 4 cancelled this lucrative show. Protecting the broadcaster’s long-term reputation for championing diverse voices mattered more than short-term economic considerations.